This Yoga Teacher Training is based on Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga, so that upon completion of this program the trainees can include any kind of audience and adopt the teachings according to the students’ needs. Directed by Tanya Popovich ERYT-500, Yoga Acharya (Master of Yoga), this teacher training course is a combination of years of experience, expertise, and thousands of hours of training in various systems concentrated into a one-month long transformational experience. This training is registered with Yoga Alliance at a 200-hr level.


Training is based on tradition and classical Yoga in its core as it draws from ancient yogic texts such as the Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Vedanta, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Tantric Yoga, and other. At the same time modern teachings are incorporated into the methodology such as the biomechanics of the body, therapeutic alignment and intelligent sequencing etc. This ancient and modern science is embodied in daily practice, on and off the mat.

Asana, Pranayama, Meditation

The morning lesson is dedicated to your personal practice. The afternoon practice consists of your practice and learning how to teach. The daily in-depth practice includes:

• Basic Warm Ups

• Sun Salutations and Variations

• Basic, medium and advanced yoga asanas

• Postural alignment

• Benefits and contraindications of asanas

• Vinyasa Krama

• Intelligent Sequencing

• Injuries, special population, and variations

• Deep relaxation techniques

• Pranayama – basic and intermediate breathing techniques

• Meditation guidelines and practice

Teaching Methodology

• In depth study and practice of all Asana groups and their alignment and biomechanics

• Instructing Asana with alignment and breath

• Sun Salutations

• Hand on Assists for all Asana groups

• Intelligent Sequencing

• Vinyasa Krama

• Creating and teaching sequences according to the level, theme or other special emphasis

• Creating and teaching a Hatha or Vinyasa class

• Use of props and Asana variations

• Teaching Pranayama and Meditation

• Language and tone of voice

• Seat of a teacher and creating safe environment

• Guided relaxation techniques

• Injury and modifications for special population

• Addressing challenging situations

Philosophy & Yogic Lifestyle

• Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – study of the text and commentary

• BhagavadGita – study of the text and commentary

• Basic concepts of Vedanta Philosophy and Tantra

• Kundalini Yoga and Subtle Anatomy: Prana, Nadis, Chakras, Granthis, Bandha

• The Four Paths of Yoga: Karma, Bhakti, Raja, Jnana

• Kriyas – the cleansing techniques

• Nutrition for the yogis


• Introduction to the main body systems and the effects of asana and pranayama on these systems

• Focus on skeletal and muscular systems and their functions

• Therapeutic Alignment and Body Biomechanics

• Common injuries and how to prevent and address them

• Creating safe and anatomically beneficial sequences


Satsang means “to be in the company of truth and wisdom”. As such it can mean study, contemplation, group discussion and sharing, sound meditations and chanting, karma yoga, and other activities that raise our vibrations, lift our spirits and open our minds. We will study, read and contemplate on scriptures of ancient enlightened beings and modern teachers while also discussing how we can transfer their essence in our daily lives.


We offer the opportunity to our students to repeat the same training at any point in the future free of tuition fees. For residential trainings only accommodation and food will apply.