We live very active, stressful lives filled with stimuli. Our nervous systems are constantly tensed. According to Chinese Taoist philosophy, this active quality is called yang. Even our yoga practices in the last few decades have become very yang. This is why Yin Yoga has become a very necessary practice that is gaining more and more demand across the world. Too much yang activity in our lives causes an imbalance in our physical, emotional and mental bodies, and this is where Yin Yoga comes in to bring about balance.
Yin Yoga combines teachings from Indian Hatha Yoga and Taoist Yin Yang philosophy. It is an antidote to our extremely active and yang daily lives. Wellbeing comes when the Yin and yang, the passive and the active, the calming and the stimulating are balanced.
Yin Resonance® is a unique and pioneering method that utilizes the profoundly beneficial healing properties of sound vibration through vocal, acoustic, and/or machine engineered sound during the long-held poses of Yin Yoga. It is a deeply healing meditative practice that considerably increases the benefits of yin yoga alone through sound healing principles of resonance, entrainment and intention. Sound vibration tunes the whole body/mind back into harmony.
“The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe.” Hazrat Inayat Khan