Chakras are whirlpools of energy found all over our body where the energy channels intersect. The main ones are found along the spine where the major intersections take place. Each of the six major Chakras we are going to look at corresponds to a nerve plexus and endocrine gland in our physical body, but it is also related to various functions of one’s mental and emotional make-up. In other words, chakras correspond to physical and psychological aspects of our being. Learning to manage and balance the energy flow through these centers can have an enormous effect on our energy levels, psychology, wellbeing and physical health, as in most people the energy in the chakras is deficient. Furthermore, they are direct portals into our spiritual potential. In this course we will explore each chakra in depth and learn practices that will increase the supply of energy into each center. After energy has been supplied to each chakra we will work with balancing it and directing it towards a beneficial resolution. The practice will be as follows: